I know "500 Days of Summer" has been around a while now, but I couldn't resist blogging about it. I just rented the DVD and watched it again this last weekend. For those of you who have not seen it, the plot is about a lovesick young man who falls for a girl who doesn't believe true love exists. But the story is told from a very clever, almost musical perspective. Meaning yes, there's a song-and-dance number and a super cool soundtrack. Besides it being a great story, I couldn't help but think how utterly swoon-worthy Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in this movie. He plays the hopeless romantic underdog quite well, don't ya think? And just in case you needed another reason to love him, click on the clip below. Utterly charming and adorable.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I Heart Joseph Gordon-Levitt
I know "500 Days of Summer" has been around a while now, but I couldn't resist blogging about it. I just rented the DVD and watched it again this last weekend. For those of you who have not seen it, the plot is about a lovesick young man who falls for a girl who doesn't believe true love exists. But the story is told from a very clever, almost musical perspective. Meaning yes, there's a song-and-dance number and a super cool soundtrack. Besides it being a great story, I couldn't help but think how utterly swoon-worthy Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in this movie. He plays the hopeless romantic underdog quite well, don't ya think? And just in case you needed another reason to love him, click on the clip below. Utterly charming and adorable.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Summertime Nostalgia
I can't believe that summer is almost over. Unfortunately, I don't think I got the chance to savor it. Summers come and go so quickly for me now. I remember when I used to spend the season just hangin out with friends, sweltering in the sun at the community pool. Or biking at the beach and then having bonfires at night. Someone would almost always bring a guitar and we'd just sit there like beach bums enjoying each other's company. We were idle teenagers doing whatever the heck we wanted. Back then, summer seemed to last forever.
Today it's a different story. I've spent this summer working my ass off both at the office and at home. Between home renovations, work travel and juggling temporary childcare, I think I only made it out to the beach once. But I'm determined to take advantage of the next couple of weeks before Mia heads back to school and Fall starts to creep its way back into the calendar. I've got a few things planned: Disneyland, bike rides in Balboa, the Santa Monica Farmers Market and maybe, just maybe I may even be able to squeeze in a quick road trip. I'm calling it my summer's last hurrah!
In the meantime, I hope that you all have a great weekend! I leave you with an oldie but a goodie. The Dove Shack's "Summertime in the LBC." I listen to this song and all I can think about is driving with friends along Pacific Coast Highway, windows rolled down and wind blowing in our hair. Enjoy!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Style Crush: Olivia Palermo

Monday, August 23, 2010
Cupcake Recipes Galore

Friday, August 20, 2010
How To Be Alone
Here's a great video from poet/songwriter Tanya Davis. It's funny, entertaining and serves as the perfect social commentary on the subject of being alone. Kinda makes me wanna go watch a movie solo... Okay, not really. But sometimes some alone time is good! Like when I wanna curl up with a book, or dance like a maniac in front of the mirror (which I did yesterday while learning how to "Dougie"), or drink wine while watching a True Blood marathon, or when I just wanna eat without having to talk. Now I'm sounding a bit anti-social, huh?
Anyway, have a great weekend everyone! Hope you've got some exciting things planned. I will be at Rock The Bells. I won't be going alone. But I may still dance like a maniac regardless.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A Neutral Palette

I'm a big fan of color. Especially when it comes to home decor. Case in pont: The first sofa I ever bought with my first paycheck out of college was a celery green velvet. The first townhome my husband and I purchased had a huge wall that spanned the living room and dining room. This wall, by the way, was two stories tall due to the vaulted ceiling design of the townhome. I fearlessly painted that wall a deep red. Yeah, I know. RED. Thank goodness it actually looked okay. Good, even. I could come up with other examples. The point is, I have always embraced color.
Lately, however, I think I may be undergoing a slight change of heart. Neutral palettes have been striking my fancy... Light gray walls, white marble, muted taupes, clear glass fixtures, shiny chromes and bright white cabinetry. I'm attracted to it all. Strange considering I used to think that white or color-bare rooms were too stark, clinical and austere. But now I'm not so sure that's the case at all. In fact, I can definitely appreciate the sophistication and overall chic-ness of a neutral-paletted design scheme. I think the photo above from http://www.sletvoll.com/ is a great example of how a perfectly white room can be both modern and inviting.
Below are more photos of white/neutral rooms I like:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Rainbow Cupcakes

I can see these as the perfect little girl's party dessert. Or even as a fun treat for a baby shower or other girly event.

Monday, August 9, 2010
Louis Vuitton Fall 2010 Ad Campaign

Friday, August 6, 2010
100 Days, 100 Songs, 100 Dances
Here's a little something to get your weekend started. Absolutely highlarious! It's an awesome playlist, plus the shirt he wears in #15 is freaking hysterical.
Happy friday!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Ballerina Project

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Persistent rumblings

I remember the day when I first learned the meaning of "Carpe Diem". It was in an honors English class during a discussion of "The Catcher in the Rye" that Mr.Schmenk talked to us about the importance of seizing the day. While I appreciated the discussion, I remember thinking to myself, "Duh, how hard is it to seize the day? Just know what you want and go for it!" I was 16-years-old... Young, naive, full of optimism and ideals... free of any real responsibility aside from fulfilling my potential. I was filled with an unending supply of unbridled energy, all of which went towards knowing what I wanted and going for it. It was all so... spectacular and full of promise.
Looking back, I think I could probably learn a thing a two from that kid.